For customers living on what is still a construction site, we will work closely with you and the developers to ensure that any requests and issues are dealt with quickly and effectively.
For all our customers, we have a fixed-in-perpetuity estate Rentcharge schedule, which means that there is a fixed annual fee. Of course, the fee is subject to an agreed indexation and highlighted fixed stepped increments, but all of that was agreed before the development started. And you have the assurance that the basic fee cannot be increased at any time in the future. When you bought your house, at the time of the exchange, you will have seen a 20-year schedule in the TP1 Transfer document. The intention is that the schedule will continue indefinitely beyond this period. This gives you peace of mind that the public open spaces around you will be expertly and professionally maintained into the future.
For customers, the fee is kept as low as possible because we can provide the benefits of economies of scale in our method of working – along with our expertise and experience.
Each property usually pays the same estate Rentcharge and has the same voting rights. (There is no difference for different tenures, dwelling sizes, or occupations.) We think that a lifetime arrangement like this requires a lifetime commitment of service and community engagement.